Another article accepted for publication!


The publication of Prof. Brigitte Dreno and Dr. Charles Taieb titled “Acne relapses: impact on quality
of life and productivity” was just accepted for publication in JEADV, and its abstract should be shortly
available on PubMed.

Over recent years, adult acne and acne relapses have increased in frequency, for yet unknown
reasons. This French observational study has been the first to clearly demonstrate a high relapse rate
of approximately 40%, mostly affecting patients with mild or moderate acne. Moreover, these acne
relapses were significantly associated with impaired quality of life and productivity loss or

We couldn’t be more thrilled about this latest success, and would like to encourage you too to
entrust your work to us, no matter where you currently are in the writing process! We take on
projects from conception right up to submission, as well as polishing near-complete work, as this
publishing success story proves!