Does taurine increase longevity?


Taurine, an amino acid found in meat, dairy products, and energy drinks, has numerous health benefits. Recent results suggested that it could even increase longevity in mice ...

This molecule can be synthesized endogenously by the human body, but is also found in food. It is necessary for cerebral and visual development in children, who get all their taurine intake from milk. Its physiological effects are numerous: it is involved in lipid digestion, liver detoxification, and anxiety regulation. It also has beneficial effects on heart function and inhibits some harmful effects of alcohol overconsumption. However, its negative effects are less well known.

Previous studies have shown that taurine levels decline with age in monkeys, mice, and humans. Taurine supplementation has also been shown to have an astonishing ability in mice as it extended their longevity by 10-12%. The same result was observed in Caenorhabditis elegans worms. In addition, taurine supplementation was associated with improved overall health in mice and female monkeys.

A correlation has also been found in humans between low taurine levels and obesity or diabetes. However, a correlation does not prove a causal link. We must therefore remain cautious and await the results of clinical trials involving taurine supplementation ...