Green Monday


The Green Monday challenge has been going for a little under a month now, so what is this movement all about?

“In 2019, every Monday, I will eat no meat or fish”. That’s the pledge taken this January 1 st by no less
than 500 celebrities who hope to encourage many to follow their example.

This challenge of having one day a week meat-free has several goals:
- to support the fight against climate change, by reducing the waste of natural resources caused by
large-scale livestock rearing;
- to improve the often appalling conditions animals are subjected to in the meat production industry;
- and, last but definitely not least, to improve the health of the public. Eating red meat is actually
linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and obesity, and processed meat could even be a
cause for increased cancer risk. So even if you haven’t joined in yet, it’s not too late to take part in
the Green Monday movement!