The Difference between a Food Allergy and a Food Intolerance


It can be difficult to distinguish between a food allergy and a food intolerance. A food allergy is necessarily caused by a food intolerance, whereas a food intolerance is not necessarily a food allergy. Here’s the explanation.

While a food allergy directly engages the immune system, this is not the case with a food intolerance. The latter is characterized by a reaction of the body to certain foods, in which it’s difficult for the body to assimilate a certain food.
Contrary to an allergy, this reaction is not immediate; instead, it occurs within one or more hours after ingestion of the offending food. Lactose intolerance is the most well known food intolerance; it affects up to 8% of the population.
Food that is consumed causes inflammation of the digestive tract, and this damages the intestinal barrier. With regard to symptoms, food intolerance may manifest itself through skin rashes or hives, but the most common signs are digestive: bloating, nausea and recurrent diarrhea.