The manifold health benefits of dark chocolate


Dark chocolate is loaded with phytonutrients that can positively affect your health. It has a long history, dating back to the Aztecs in 450 AD. The Aztecs believed that the cacao seeds were a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the God of Wind and Wisdom.

In general, dark chocolate should be chosen over milk chocolate, because it contains larger amounts of cacao and less sugar. Regularly eating dark chocolate may help reduce the risk factors associated with heart disease, such as hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, and high cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, people who regularly consume dark chocolate are less likely to develop these pathological conditions.

Consuming dark chocolate has been associated anti-inflammatory benefits. Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response. The immune system’s primary mission is to defend our body’s components against germs and other harmful substances. These inflammatory reactions may, however, become excessive and overshoot. Instead of protecting our body, these reactions then result in chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is likely to damage cells and tissues and thus increase the risk of developing certain health conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Dark chocolate with its anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce inflammation in the body, preventing these disease states to occur.