World Blood Donor Day


This year, the theme of World Blood Donor Day is “Safe blood for all”. This day is an opportunity to review the needs and measures taken by the French Blood Establishment.

In France, 10,000 blood donations are required every day. On March 6, the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS, French Blood Establishment) launched an emergency request for blood donors, who responded en masse. However, in May and June, despite numerous holidays and days off, the EFS reminds us that blood requirements are not on vacation but are rather urgently necessary.

The theme of this year’s campaign, “Safe Blood for All”, is meant to encourage regular blood donation and promote the use of innovative devices to monitor the totality of the transfusion chain. “Safe blood” implies the presence of informed donors. Amongst the contraindications for blood donation figure: a recent tattoo, recent antibiotics intake, risky sexual behaviors, etc.

To attract new donors and ease communication, the EFS recently launched a mobile application called Dondesang. This project is primarily designed to ease the donor experience, rendering it smoother and quicker. To illustrate, Dondesang enables users to make an appointment, follow up with their donor file online, identify the nearest donation center, and even acknowledge how many lives their blood donation is instrumental in saving!